Board of Directors
Chairman Kohei Yamamoto
Managing Director Kazuo Manno
Director Junichi Yoshimura Yoshinobu Yasuno
Auditor Ichiro Yamada Hiroshi Shigeno
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Brief History
1940 The foundation was authorized as non-profit association by the Ministry of Education.
1943 Rochelle salt was applied to acoustical sensor elements.
1955 The first two Reverberation Chambers were constructed. Afterwards, the rest five reverberation chambers were constructed by 1965.
1966 Division on Hearing Aids was established with an education center of deaf children
1969 Reporting of high remanent polarization in oriented films of poly-vinylidene fluoride (PVDF).
1970 Scale-models have been applied to the evaluation of road traffic noise.
1980 Special chamber was constructed for examining the effects of low frequency sound on man.
1980 Large special chamber was constructed for scale-model experiments.
1984 Calibration system of vibration pickups using laser interferometer was developed in collaboration with RION CO.,LTD.,
1993 The education center of deaf children was separated as an independent non-profit association.
1993 Small museum of acoustical devices and instruments was constructed.

Grazing-Incidence Acoustic Absorption Experiment Laboratory constructed.


Facilities commemorating the 60th anniversary constructed.
